Query Remitter

POST https://pixyrsapi/api/DMT/QueryRemitter


Query Remitter API used to fetch remitter details. If a remitter is already exists then remitter details will be provided in response otherwise an OTP will be sent on the given mobile number to register a remitter .

Request Parameters
mobile integer   The mobile number should be a valid 10 digit mobile number.
servicecode string   Each service has its corresponding service code. For Example, DMT has its service code as " DMT ". See the service list Service List .
Response List
StatusCode Description
0 Request has been failed
1 Request is Pending
2 Request Executed Successfully
curl -X POST     https://pixyrsapi/api/DMT/QueryRemitter
-H    'content-type : application/json'
-H     'secretkey : 0012351512545'
-H     'accesskey : gsdgmvk552244ds'
-d    '{
"mobile" : 1234567890,
"servicecode" : "DMT"
API Response