Register Remitter

POST https://pixyrsapi/api/DMT/RegisterRemitter


Register Remitter API is used to register a remitter if it is new. Before proceeding for any transaction remitter should be registered on Pixyrs API

Request Parameters
mobile integer   The mobile number should be a valid 10 digit mobile number
name string   Name of the remitter
remittercode alphanumeric   Remitter Code that has been previously sent within the response of Query Remitter API
otp integer   OTP that has been sent on the remitter mobile number
servicecode string   Each service has its corresponding service code. For Example, DMT has its service code as " DMT ". See the service list Service List
Response List
StatusCode Description
0 Request has been failed
1 Request is Pending
2 Request Executed Successfully
curl -X POST     https://pixyrsapi/api/DMT/RegisterRemitter
-H    'content-type:application/json'
-H     'secretkey : 0012351512545'
-H     'accesskey : gsdgmvk552244ds'
-d    '{
mobile" : 1234567890,
"name" : "John",
"remittercode" : "ae0ncsgh-545121-45454ssda",
"otp" : 12346,
"servicecode" : "DMT"
API Response