Register Beneficiary

POST https://pixyrsapi/api/DMT/RegisterBene


A beneficiary is someone to whom one can transfer money or to be able to transfer money. Partner must add a beneficiary by providing their bank-account and basic details. By using our APIs, you can Create, Delete and Fetch beneficiary.

Request Parameters
remitterid integer   Remitter has provided a remitterid at the time of remitter registration
name string   Name of the Beneficiary
email alphanumeric   Beneficiary's registered email
account integer   Bank account number of beneficiary to whom amount has to be transferred
ifsc alphanumeric   IFSC Code of the beneficiary's bank account
bankid integer   Beneficiary has an account in any of the banks available in India. A bank list has been provided to the partner or customer to get their corresponding Bank Names and Bank IDs
address string   Current address of the beneficiary
city integer   City Name
state integer   State Name
pincode string   Each service has its corresponding service code. For Example, DMT has its service code as " DMT ". See the service list Service List
Response List
S.No. StatusCode Description
1 0 Request has been failed
2 1 Request is Pending
3 2 Request Executed Successfully
curl -X POST     https://pixyrsapi/api/DMT/RegisterBene
-H    'content-type:application/json'
-H     'secretkey : 0012351512545'
-H     'accesskey : gsdgmvk552244ds'
-d    '{
"remitterid" : 1234567890,
"name" : "John",
"email" : "",
"account" : 45678942312121,
"ifsc" : "ICICI000012",
"bankid" : 45,
"address" : "ae0ncsgh-545121-45454ssda",
"city" : "Jaipur",
"state" : "Rajasthan",
"pincode" : 302012
API Response